Photography Classes and 1-to-1 Lessons



Digital Photography Classes



   I offer various photography classes. They range from:

  • 2 1/2 hour lessons on a specific topic to such as:
    • "Introduction to Understanding White Balance"
    • "The Basics of Using the Manual Mode"
    • "Choosing which Focusing Mode to use"
  • 5 hour lessons on more in depth topics such as:
    • ​​​​​​​"Using your Speedlite (external flash) both on and off camera for better photographs"
    • "Getting started with your New Digital Camera"
    • "Using your Cell Phone to get Amazing Photographs"
  • ​​​​​​​Multi-Day classes
    • ​​​​​​​3 Day "Photography-101" (a more involved version of "Getting started with your New Digital Camera"
    • 2 Day "Portrait Weekend" Where you spend 2 days learning to create professional looking photographs. This class would include having a model at the class to practice your skills.

These are just some examples of topics that will be covered.


There are a few ways you can arrange for photography lessons.

  • You can join my Meetup Group "Digital Photography Classes" to view the classes as they get posted and if you see a class that interests you, you can join the class right from the Meetup site. There is no cost to join the Meetup community, nor is there a cost to be a member of my "Digital Photography Classes" group.  If you join the group unless you attend a class.  You will be notified of classes as they are scheduled and may occasionally get an email that I send out  to the group. There is a link to the Meetup group down below. 
  • As an option, if you do not see a class currently listed, you can send a recommendation for a class and I will try to put one together as soon as possible.  If you do send a recommendation, be sure to include a general idea of when you would like to see it scheduled. It would not help much for me to schedule it while you were at work or some other commitment.  You can send me a message through the Meetup site or send me a message from here on my website.



        View Current Classes

See my "Meetup" site for current classes and the schedule

Digital Photography Classes

"Digital Photography Classes" Meetup Group




*** You must pre-register to be assured of a spot in the class ***


Studio Location:        Scott Beers Photography (Hanover Studio)

                                  2048 Washington Street #11

                                  Hanover, MA 02339

Note: The studio is open by appointment only. Please confirm I will be there before just showing up.

Send an email to [email protected] with any questions or to organize a class.

Maximum of 6 students in the class


One-to-One lessons


If you prefer more individualized instruction, you may schedule one-to-one lessons or private group lessons. The cost starts at $50 per hour for one-on-one introductory lessons. Two hour minimum.


Send an email to [email protected] to set up a one-to-one or private group lesson.

  Please include:

  • When you would like to start
  • Which days and hours of the day are best for you
  • The Make and model of your camera if you already have one.
  • Give me an idea of what you would like to learn during your lesson.
  • What town you are located in if you prefer I come to you. (There is a cost if I need to travel outside of my immediate area)
  • Your contact information